GridLink studied the possibility of connecting to the 400 kV national grid network along the northern coast of France. Following an evaluation of the technical feasibility of connecting to the possible sub-stations, risk of network constraints and need for grid reinforcements, the study resulted in Warande sub-station in the Bourbourg commune, Nord department being chosen as the preferred connection point. Other possible connection points were discounted because the constraints on the network would mean significant strengthening work on the network (new overhead transmission lines, new sub-stations, etc). The feasibility of connecting GridLink to the French network was confirmed by exploratory studies carried out by RTE. Subsequently, a technical and financial proposal (PTF) concerning the work required to create the connection was signed in May 2017 by RTE and GridLink.
RTE is responsible for implementing the connection to the network on behalf of GridLink in accordance with the PTF. The connection will be achieved by the installation of a 3 km single-circuit or double-circuit, 400 kV alternating current underground cable from the GridLink converter station to an extension to the Warande sub-station. At the sub-station, new equipment will be installed and the existing overhead lines and pylons re-configured to accommodate the connection. The underground cable route and sub-station site are located within agricultural land.
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