GridLink has initiated its pre-application public consultations in the UK. The public consultations are intended to inform local communities, interest groups and other stakeholders about the GridLink interconnector project, and to obtain feedback on our proposals.
The public consultations comprise a virtual exhibition (including a live chat session), online public meeting and information points where people can take away copies of the information leaflet and non-technical summary about the project.
The key dates of the public consultations are:
Friday 28th August to Friday 11th September: Virtual exhibition and information points
Friday 4th September: Live chat from 16:30 to 20:30
Friday 11th September: Online public meeting from 18:30 to 20:30
GridLink would like to hear your views about any aspect of the project, either through participation in the online public meeting, completion of the feedback form in the virtual exhibition or Contact Us via the web-site.