September 23, 2020

GridLink has launched a new phase of public consultations in France.  These public consultations are intended to inform local communities, interest groups and other stakeholders about the results of the environmental studies and assessments for the GridLink interconnector project. This is the third phase of the public consultations, following the preliminary consultation in December 2017 and consultation at the launch of the environmental impact assessment at the end of 2019.

Following this public consultation, GridLink plans to submit an application for environmental authorisation and maritime public area utilisation rights in November 2020.

The public consultation, under the aegis of the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) and its guarantor Mr. Laurent DEMOLINS, includes a virtual exhibition, two public meetings and several thematic meetings with the main stakeholders.

The key dates are as follows:

  • Wednesday 23rd September: Launch of the virtual exhibition on the GridLink web-site
  • Wednesday 7th October: Public meeting from 18:30 to 20:30 at Bourbourg town hall
  • Wednesday 14th October: Public meeting from 18:30 to 20:30 at Loon-Plage town hall 

GridLink would like to hear your views about any aspect of the project, either through your participation in the public meetings, completion of the feedback form in the virtual exhibition or Contact Us via the GridLink web-site.