Public consultations are a key part of our commitment to engaging positively with all stakeholders throughout the development, construction and operation of the GridLink project in the UK. We welcome the contributions from the public consultations, and intend to take all comments and recommendations into account in our planning, design and implementation of the GridLink project.

Since November 2017, public information has been available via the GridLink web-site.  This has been complemented by meetings with key stakeholders, including Medway Council, statutory consultees such as Natural England and Historic England, neighbouring land-owners and fishermen associations.

In September 2019, we started the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment and permit applications in the UK. Therefore, a wider public consultation programme also started at this time, which expanded the consultations to include local interest groups and the general public, such as nature conservation organisations and marinas/sailing clubs. The consultation also included a Members Briefing at Medway Council.

In September 2020, formal public consultations were carried out prior to the submission of the applications for Outline Planning Permission and Marine Licence, including an online public meeting, and virtual public exhibition (due to Government restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic), social media announcements, freephone telephone line, and information points to disseminate project information and invite comments on the GridLink proposals.

Throughout the public consultations, and continuing up to the current time, the GridLink web-site has provided project information and latest news.  The public can also download documents (meeting minutes, presentation material, technical reports or maps, etc.) and contact the GridLink project team via the web-site.

Please find links to the documents related to public consultation in UK below:

  1. Minutes of Members Briefing at Medway Council (EN)
  2. Presentation slides from Members Briefing at Medway Council (EN)
  3. Flyer for the public consultations (EN)
  4. Presentation slides for Online Public Meeting (EN)
  5. Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report (EN)
  6. Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report (FR)
  7. Statement of Community Involvement (EN)
  8. Statement of Community Involvement (FR)